Next Meeting, Thursday, March 20th, 2025
 Theme Grab bag magic
 Bring a 'magic' prop - props will be put in a bag and selected at random (can't use the one you brought), you (and a partner if you choose) will have 10 minutes to come up with a way to perform using that prop

Gather between 6:30 - 7 pm at IHOP on  
5749 Stetson Hills Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80917 
Please note location change 
Meeting from 7-8:30 pm. ​ Discussion on Magic Summer Camp, PPP Show in June.   Come early for Dinner. Learn new magic, perform for the group, door prizes! (need I say more?) No experience necessary, come out to have fun!

Our Young magicians will meet 5:30 - 6:30 pm at same location. We will be working on some new coin magic.

We will be continue to experiment with new dates and locations to see what works best moving forward, so 2025 Meetings will be varied monthly to find out what dates, times and locations work out best for members and guests. If you have any ideas for new venues, contact David Berg or Ray Andrews. See "Events" page for monthly themes. ​Children ages 7-17 are welcome to attend to learn about the group and begin to learn magic. No experience necessary. There is no charge for the children. The Society of American Magicians, Harry Houdini helped organize the Society of American Magicians (S.A.M.) in 1902, the oldest magic group devoted to learning and performing the art of magic. If you have a serious interest in the art of magic then you, too, can follow in the footsteps of Harry Houdini, Harry Blackstone, Jr., Siegfried & Roy, Lance Burton, Mat Franco and David Copperfield by joining the most prestigious magical organization in the world. Please go to for more information.​ The Society of American Magicians Youth in an effort to teach a new generation of magicians, the Colorado Springs Society of American Magicians Youth, Assembly Y103, was formed in 1993. Members are ages 7 to 17. All who have a genuine interest in magic, regardless of experience are welcome to join us.